JLo Fan Story at Western Regional Inaugural Ball

Here is a Jennifer Lopez fan story by mongoose at the Western Regional Inaugural Ball in Washington D.C. Jennifer performed on stage just after President Barack Obama's Inauguration on January 20, 2009.

Story by mongoose1

I’m pretty fortunate. I was invited to attend the Western States Inaugural Ball which was held at the Washington DC Convention Center.

I was never super close to the stage area so my pictures aren’t the greatest.

There was a band playing rock when we walked in but I don’t have any idea of who they were (sorry). Later in the evening Marc Anthony came out and sang some seriously great music.
No, I am not a Marc Anthony fan but the beat was very compelling and it was fun watching some great salsa dancers strut their stuff on the floor nearby. One of his numbers was a song he’d written for Jennifer Lopez when he first met her. Very sweet. He brought her out and they sang a duet and then it was a matter of waiting until the big dogs showed up.

Credit mongoose1 for pix (tagged with mongoose) and story.

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Here are pictures & video caps of Jennifer at the Western Regional Inaugural Ball.

Click on Thumbnails to see larger image

Click on Thumbnails to see larger image

