Alex O'Loughlin: The Hot Man of 'The Back-up Plan'

ET's 'The Back-up Plan' week wraps up with the focus on Jennifer Lopez's leading man, Alex O'Loughlin.

The former "Moonlight" star flirts with Jennifer and sets her heart on fire in the movie, and he says that his co-star was fearless on the set.

"She sort of comes at the work with this sort of reckless abandon that a lot of people shy away from," says Alex, who describes the movie as "a romantic comedy about love and marriage in reverse. It's about what not to do when you want to fall in love and have kids and get married."

"He really is such a really good actor, and that's what it takes," lauds J.Lo. "And he also has really good timing on the comedy stuff."

'The Back-up Plan' from CBS Films arrives in theaters April 23.


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