It is nearing the end of year and the office party season has begun. This could be your big chance to schmooze up to senior management and vie for future promotion opportunities. It could be your chance to make a move on that hottie in accounts or just a great opportunity to relax, enjoy the company of your colleagues in a social setting and celebrate the end of the year.
But the office Christmas party is often far from an innocent social event and is fraught with potential drama. So how can you survive the office Christmas party? Careers coach Lisa O'Brien has some tips.
How to dress for the Christmas party
When getting dressed for the Christmas party keep the occasion in mind. It is not a hot date! Dress to turn all heads without compromising your corporate image. Go for a style that hints at your assets without actually showing them. When dressing, think sophisticated, chic and stylish. Shirt dresses are good, mini-dresses aren't.
Forget kissing under the mistletoe, stick to networking
Senior managers who you've wanted to impress all year will be at the Christmas party so this could be your chance to get their attention and make a good impression. Just be sure that it is the right impression that you make so that you get attention for the right reasons not the wrong reasons. Be subtle and don't talk too much about work if they are not in the mood but let them know who you are and what you do. If they are feeling chatty get as much information as you can about their plans for the following year. Then follow up with a plan on how you can contribute.
Be at the party not the life of the party
After a hard working year and a few too many champagnes it can be easy to get just a little too festive. While the party is obviously an opportunity to let loose, relax and have some fun, you really don't want things to get so out of hand that your colleagues spend the next year laughing and gossiping about your antics at the party.
One idea to help you avoid any drunken mishaps is to make sure you pace yourself when it comes to alcohol. Also, ensure that you eat something substantial either during or before the party so that your body will be less reactive to alcohol. Ensure that you keep your own drink in your hand at all times to avoid spiking. And finally if you start to feel a bit tipsy, then hit the water or soft drinks before things get out of hand, or head for home if it is getting late and the party is winding down.