Just The Way You Are?? How About In The Bedroom...(Cosmopolotan.com)

Before you read on, think about how you’d rate your flirting skills. Are you a natural when it comes to batting your lashes at a hotrod across the bar, or do you prefer to act all quiet and mysterious in the name of letting him start the chase? If you’re unsure about how you come across in a club - or even if you think you know - take this quiz. You’ll likely be surprised by the results.

1. Your dance style can be best described as:
a. A little stiff, like the drink you need to hit the dance floor in the first place.
b. No holds barred, really. You taught Lady Gaga everything she knows.
c. Sexually suggestive. The cast of Step Up 3D would be jealous.

2. As you settle into your aeroplane seat, you notice the Taylor Lautner lookalike next to you glancing your way. You decide to:
a. Squeeze in front of him to grab something from the overhead locker, thus giving him a prime view of your backside.
b. Rummage around in your bag to “look” for gum. Then ask if he has a piece when you can’t seem to find any.
c. Keep your eyes on your iPad so he doesn’t think you’re checking him out.

3. Your best friends put together a video montage to show at your 25th birthday. Which theme song do they play it to?
a. “The Best Day” by Taylor Swift.
b. “Rock that Body” by Black-Eyed Peas.
c. “Tik Tok” by Ke$ha.

4. You’re on a first date and are feeling a serious spark. At the end of the night, you part ways with:
a. Some steamy kissing.
b. Half-dressed groping on your couch.
c. A quick kiss and a promise to text him about Thursday night.

5. Your favourite cousin’s wedding is coming up fast, and she has let you know that lots of single guys have sent in their RSVPs. You plan to wear:
a. A daring cut-out dress.
b. A flowing blouse and sleek black pants.
c. A body hugging floral-print dress with bright red pumps.

How did you score?

1. a-2 b-0 c-1
2. a-0 b-1 c-2
3. a-2 b-1 c-0
4. a-1 b-0 c-2
5. a-0 b-2 c-1

7 to 10 points: You’re a devil on the downlow
You could have the sexiest mattress moves in the world, but no guy would ever pick it because you tend to keep your inner seductress under wraps. While it’s good to be coy, it may not always work out too well. “Men write you off as being uninterested in sex if you seem too buttoned-up,” says Susan Bankos, author of The Sex Bible. So tap into your sensual side: sleep naked, read a spicy novel and choose clothes that show off your body. Feeling sexy in your skin will give you the guts to chat up the person sitting next to you, or end your date with a kiss.

4 to 6 points: You’re a total temptress
As far as you’re concerned, everything from your flirting techniques to your dance moves broadcasts your innate hotness - while also leaving guys intrigued. “You’ve realised that luring in men is more about being confident and coy than busting out your cleavage,” says relationships expert Gary Stollman. You know when to turn up the heat and when to cool things off, because you’re tuned in to what works and you just go with it. By striking the perfect balance between shy and shameless, you’re like man catnip - totally irresistible.

0-3 points: You’re OTT sexy
There’s a fine lime between red-hot and just plain raunchy, and you’re flirting hard with it… and with every man in sight. “You act overly sexual because you’re convinced it turns guys on, but most view it as desperate,” says Bakos. “Men love a challenge, so it’s women who are playfully sexy- not outright provocative - who they think must be really good in bed.” Instead of doing things like “accidently” grazing his package, touch his arm and tease him about his drink choice or taste in music. If you make a man work to get you, he’ll end up craving you even more.
