Are you high maintenance?

Ladies, take this little quiz to find out. Answer true or false to the following questions.

The first outfit I put on is never the one I end up wearing.
I have a housekeeper.
I demand a phone call, or a very good explanation, when someone is late.
I would never ride in a convertible with the top down for fear of wind blown hair.
My partner should compliment me often, especially before we go out at night.
I sometimes require much sleep in order to look and feel my best.
I expect my significant other to give me gifts "just because."
At a restaurant, I order my meals with special requirements.
I never leave the house without blow drying my hair or using a hair product.
My getting-ready-for-bed regimen last for more than 15 minutes.

Add up your true answers.

1-3: Your are a dreamboat! Self-sufficient no matter what is thrown your way. Although you will probably grow to be an easygoing loaner or hermit.

4-6: You can get by with little maintenance. Usually you can do your own thing but occasionally you can be a pain in the patootie.

7-9: Wow are you needy! Do you remember a time when you could accomplish task on your own? I hope your significant has a fat pocketbook loaded with patience to fill your needs.

10: You are pathetically high maintenance. Either that or the person you had fill this out for you misunderstood your barked out commands. You might think about these results the next time you are at the nail salon in your Liz Claiborne outfit and Gucci shoes going over next months events in your daytimer.

But what about your guy? Is he high or low maintenance? -- Cosmopolitan says you know he's low-fuss if...

He likes the way you look in flat shoes and your favorite baggy cargos.
He's capable of making travel arrangements, dinner reservations and (bonus!) doctor's appointments.
He likes to make out -- even when he knows it won't lead to sex.
He's not threatened by your amazing, talented girlfriends.
He knows the difference between a pot and a frying pan, and can cook more than two varieties of eggs.
You turn him on even when you're not wearing your $200 Agent Provocateur undies (though he's especially appreciative when you do).
He doesn't get angry (read: feel blamed) when you are having a bad day.
He can keep quiet as you parallel park.
He listens.

You know he's going to be a handful if...

He talks to his mother every day (worse, gets an allowance; worse still, lives with her).
He's in analysis -- five times a week.
When he doesn't get to yoga, it's not pretty.
He can't handle you giving him directions, even if only you know where you're going.
He whines (just once is too much).
His way of being empathetic is telling you how whatever you just told him -- your woes, your big news, your latest story -- affects him.
His penis has a name and, yikes, a voice.
His e-mail address is exceptionally cute.
He checks his voice mail/beeper during a "romantic" dinner.
No matter what, he can't miss his weekly poker night or a football game.
He thinks he's low maintenance.

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