Shenandoah Chocolate Donut Beer
Brewed using chocolate, caramel and vanilla and apparently smells exactly like a fresh chocolate donut -- perfect for breakfast. If there was no Duff...Id have to say Homer Simpson would be all over this one!

Mama Mia! Pizza Beer
This beer has a strong tomato flavor and really shines is in cooking. Italian sausage and brats cooked in this beer have a great herb flavor.

Humboldt Brown (Hemp seeds)
“Vote Yes on Prop 19!”Humboldt Brown is brewed using hemp seeds and California is the only state where this beer is legal...WTF!?

Stone Smoked Porter
Smoke is the main flavor of this unusual beer. Using a peat-smoked specialty malt, Stone Smoked Porter certainly lives up to its name, giving off both a lightly smoky smell and flavor.

Sprecher Mbege (Bananas)
Popular in East Africa and uses bananas in the brewing process. This makes a good choice for those looking for a gluten-free beer.