Hey Lady Gaga! Madonna called and she wants her song back!

There is no doubt that "Born This Way" sounds A LOT like Madonna's "Express Yourself" but so what!? Name ONE artisist that HASN'T done the same thing! Not to mention artists actually USING someones song and putting a new beat in it, or auto-tuning it. It's not all that I expected but I still dig it and LOVE her! You'll be dancing to it and singing it word for word before you know it!

Here's people.com's take on it:

It's arguably one of the most anticipated singles of the year, but is Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" all that new?

After leaking the lyrics on her Twitter account, Gaga debuted the single, from her album due out May 23, on Friday. And while #bornthiswayfriday remained a trending topic on Twitter all morning – another term began trending as well: "Express Yourself," as in Madonna's 1989 Top 10 hit. By late morning, "Express Yourself" had become more popular than born this way friday on Twitter, with fans and foes alike comparing the songs.

"I'm sorry but it pisses me off so much that Born this way sounds like Madonna's Express yourself. I expected Born this way to be UNIQUE," Tweeted one Gaga lover, CelesteLoveGaga.

"Hey Lady Gaga! Madonna called and she wants her song back! I agree w/several others that it does sound a lot like Express Yourself," Tweeted SandraDee8478.

One Gaga fan found a positive side to the similarity: "I dont see a problem with it being like Express Yourself. They r both strengthening the "be yourself" message. Justsayin," Tweeted Jackkk94.

Are you feeling it?

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