The two pop divas-and former flames of Chris Brown got into a war of words after Ciara took a hit at the Barbados beauty on E!'s Fashion Police, reports the New York Daily News.
"I ran into her recently at a party. She wasn't the nicest," the 25-year-old recounted of Rihanna to Joan Rivers.
"It's crazy because I've always loved and respected what she's done in fashion... It wasn't the most pleasant run-in."
Rihanna apparently got wind of Ciara's remarks and tweeted, "My bad Ci, did I forget to tip you?," later adding "U gangsta huh?"
Ciara fought back on Twitter, posting "Trust me Rihanna you don't want to see me on or off the stage," to which the Disurbia singer replied "Good luck with booking that stage u speak of."
Before things got uglier, Rihanna called a truce. "Ciara baby, I love you girl!" she Tweeted. "You hurt my feelings real bad on TV! I'm heartbroken! That's why I retaliated this way! So sorry! Let's make up."
Ciara accepted the offer.
"Rhi, u know its always been love since day 1! Doing shows and everything," she wrote. "You threw me off in that party! Apology accepted. Let's chat in person."