Single Girls Guide to Surviving Valentine's Day

Not loved up? Single girls can still have fun on Valentine's Day! Check out these suggestions from for getting through V-Day without glaring at couples, tearing up or rolling your eyes with disgust.

Spend the day with your friends
Why not use the day as an excuse to get out and about with your non-coupled up friends (or couples who aren't into the whole Valentine's thing). The weather is brilliant in February and heading to the park or beach for a BBQ or a few fun drinks will make it a great day, and stop you feeling left out or irritated with all the romantic things going on.

Try speed dating!
This has been around for quite a few years now, and lots of singles meet great people through it (either just as friends or more).

Hang with the family
Isn't Valentine's meant to be all about love? Then who better to spend it with than your family! Most of us never spend as much time with them as we should, and hanging out with them is a great way to let them know you care.

Spoil yourself
No-one to spoil you? Why not make this the day to indulge yourself! Get a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure - anything that you usually wouldn't indulge in. You'll not only look fabulous - you'll feel it too. Even better, invite a girlfriend or two along for a girly chat while you're at it!

Organise a night out on the town
Whether you are looking for love, or just want a fun night with some pals. Get out and about, rather than avoiding V-Day altogether and being a hermit at home.

Play sports
We've all heard it before ... excercise gets your heart-rate pumping (good for your health) AND releases those-feel good endorphins. A great way to get in shape and get rid of any V-Day blues.

Still feeling bummed about V-Day? Then this should cheer you up. The anti-Valentine's Day trend has been growing worldwide - complete with cards and celebrations. Big-name card manufacturers have actually been selling anti-V-Day cards at this time of year and many bars and clubs are holding events specifically for singles. Sounds like being single and anti-Valentine's is the new black.

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