Perhaps you are familiar with the incident at Outdoor Adventures, Whistler. The slaughtering of the 100 sled dogs back in April. Surprisingly, the story is really only now making the news:
There are currently 10 walks taking place throughout BC as well as in Calgary and Red Deer over the upcoming weekend, February 13 & 14, that have been announced on the Advocates Against Outdoor Adventures Whistler's Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/AAOAW
The walks are in memory of the dogs, or Whistler 100 as they are becoming known, as well as to raise awareness of animal cruelty, and the fact the laws need to change.
The event isn't a protest, by any means, but more so a peaceful dog walk in memory and support of the dogs, and the fact they hopefully haven't died in vain.
By having a walk in Halifax on Sunday, February 13th, we can show our support coast to coast.
Here are the specifics:
EVENT: Walk for the Whistler 100
Please join us on Sunday, February 13, 2011 for a DOG WALK around the Halifax Commons, in support and memory of the Whistler 100
Many of us were shocked and outraged by the senseless slaughtering of the 100 Huskies at Outdoor Adventures, Whistler:
Dog owners and lovers want to show our support for these dogs, and raise awareness against animal cruelty. And we’re doing it COAST TO COAST!
On Sunday, walks are taking place in BC, and Alberta (so far), and now with us joining in Halifax, we’ll be able to show our support for the Whistler 100 from coast to coast!
All walkers are asked to meet at the South Commons Triangle (Next to the pool on the Halifax Commons) for 12:45 pm and be ready to walk at 1pm.
We will be walking – two by two- around the perimeter of the Halifax Commons. The walk is scheduled for one hour. This mean we will most likely do more than one loop around the perimeter.
These will be organized, peaceful walks, in memory of the dogs, as well as to raise awareness of animal cruelty, and the fact the laws need to change.
Event Details!
WHEN: Sunday, February, 13, 2011 1pm – 2pm (meet at 12:45 at South Commons Triangle - next to the pool on the Halifax Commons)
WHERE: Perimeter of the Halifax Commons (on sidewalk)
Important Details:
Please be advised that leashes are mandatory. This is a walk to show positive support for the dogs, and all animal rights.
Please respect the laws and bylaws, have your dog licensed.
Please be prepared to pick up after your dog.
Join us!
Raise Awareness!
And just maybe, save a dog!
If you have any questions, they can be directed to Kim Stoodley at kimstoodley@yahoo.com
And don’t forget to bring your dog(s)!!!