Nah! Not at all!
Baby, you're a firework! POW! Ha!
The latest issue of Rolling Stone is graced with the incomparable visage of one Snooki Snickers! As the cover glows with her countenance, her interview overflows with her unique outlook on life as a guidette.
When asked about The Jersey Shore and her TV personality, Snooki confesses that it has taken its toll on her and she can't say she's loved the perception its created. She explains:
"If I do something stupid [on the show], which is pretty much the whole time, I hate it. I just hate it. Obviously, they're only going to put the good stuff in, and the good stuff is us drunk, so all I'm seeing is me drunk and falling down. That's how I am when I party, but some of the stuff I do is, like, 'Really, Nicole?' I look like a freakin' alcoholic. I'm like, 'You're sweating. Your makeup is running. You look gross.' I just look like sh*t."
At least you are making money at it. Think of all the hard pAArtying pint-sized guidettes who get wasted on vodka and pickle juice with only their hangovers to comfort them in the morning, instead of their fuzzy slippers and crazy lucrative empire!
Speaking of which, looking towards the future, Snooki sees herself taking after another famous MTV reality alum - Jessica Simpson! She explains:
"What I'd like is to turn out like Jessica Simpson, with her whole brand. She makes millions. I'm trying to build an empire, because after this I can't get a normal job. I mean, how do I go and sit behind a desk?"
You can't. You mustn't!
The world needs you to continue on your crusade to bring more fist-pumping energy to the cosmos than anyone before.
Just keep on doing what you are doing, Snooks! You just do it oh so well!
[Image via Rolling Stone.]