Say goodbye to Seaside, Snooki! Jersey Shore producers plan to recast the MTV hit, an insider tells the new issue of Us Weekly (out now). "After this group comes back from Italy and shoots season 5 this summer that will be the end for them." The new stars will be "a lot cheaper" (the housemates each reportedly make $100,000 per episode), plus the current gang can feel free to pursue other endeavors. Says the source, "They will leave on a high note!" After all, three of the show's original cast members -- Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, Jenni "J-Woww" Farley and Paul "DJ Pauly D" DelVecchio -- have already signed up for spinoffs. "The concept of our show is pretty much me and Jenni finding a house, living together and just being me and Jenni," Polizzi, 23, told Us in February. "We're so funny together and we like to be silly. It's kind of like Paris [Hilton] and Nicole [Richie], but like 20 times better and tan." (US Weekly)