Paparazzi Gets A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

Last night Adam Lambert went to The Grove to see a movie, accompanied by his boyfriend Sauli and his brother. While there, as is often the case, Adam was surrounded by paparazzi. He decided to give them a taste of their own medicine by using his phone to shoot a video of them taking his picture.

This afternoon Adam tweeted a link to the video, saying, "Reverse Paparazzi. Lol. (I'm such a dork)". What he probably does not realize is that it's that "dorkiness" quality that Adam's fans love so much about him. He's just a regular guy, and not a diva like so many other celebrities of his position.

Adam's posting of the video comes just a few hours after his brother Neil tweeted, "Harry Potter was cool. Paparazzi invasion was not." It's nice to see that Adam is able to joke about the paparazzi following him, which must get really annoying. As can be seen in his video, Adam is always gracious and polite, even when surrounded by incessant camera flashes when he is just trying to enjoy a night out.
