Good news. You can boost your brainpower and make "senior brain-drain" nothing but a bad memory just by doing mental exercises and adopting the right diet and lifestyle. Keep your mind youthfully resilient with techniques outlined by Dr. Molly Wagster of the National Institute on aging in Bethesda, MD.

Eat berries -- Blueberries can rejuvenate the brain. Cranberries and strawberries also have a beneficial effect on brainpower.

Exercise -- aerobic exercise can help improve brain function. Exercise also prompts the release of endorphins thought to fend off depression.

Reduce stress -- Stress releases cortisol, a hormone that can damage the brain's memory center. Meditation, relaxation and keeping a positive mental outlook will help you reduce stress.

Eat foods rich with vitamin E -- Vitamin E, found in oils, green leafy vegetables and whole grains, is a vital brain protector. It promotes mental alertness.

Use your opposite hand -- Most of us rely on our dominant hand to do simple tasks. Using your opposite hand for brushing your teeth, eating or working a computer mouse will engage both lobes of the brain and improve hand-brain co-ordination.

Challenge your brain -- Discard the calculator and do the math in your head.

Get plenty of sleep -- Sleep-deprived subjects score 30 percent lower on memory tests. Most people need 8 to 8.5 hours of sleep each night.
