Emily Battaglia, a writer for the health web site LifeScript, gives us six undisclosed truths you never knew about your guy:

1)He doesn't like all of your friends -- Chances are he likes your self-involved, basket-case girlfriend about as much as you like his beer-chugging womanizer buddy. He probably wonders why you hold onto the friendship, and he might even wish you'd end it. After all, he's the one you vent to about her. But he's not going to open Pandora's box by telling you his true feelings.

2)He checks out other girls -- If your guy denies noticing the cute waitress at the cafe, he's probably just sugarcoating the truth to avoid an argument with you. Men like to look at beautiful women – just as women like to admire handsome men. But that doesn't mean he's envisioning a life or even a steamy interlude with the waitress. (See related article: 6 Reasons Why Men Cheat) Nor does it mean he's comparing her to you. Odds are he simply appreciates her beauty, just as you appreciate the great grin of that Brad Pitt look-a-like you always bump into at the fax machine.

3)He gets hit on -- Women probably flirt with your man. In fact, some may have crushes on him, whether he knows it or not, or tells you about it. Sure, tall, dark and handsome men get hit on more often, but even bald guys with beer bellies can be cute. (If you find him attractive, other women do, too.) He probably doesn't tell you when it happens because he doesn't want you to worry or overreact. Do you tell him every time a man hits on you?

4)He wants to get married, eventually -- Ball-and-chain jokes aside, most guys do want to get hitched... when the time is right. The idea that all men want to be life-long bachelors is simply untrue. Most of them like the idea of spending the rest of their life with one good woman. The catch is that they also want to sow their wild oats and enjoy the single life first. Men typically want to establish themselves both financially and career-wise, want kids when they're older and want to own a house by the time they get married.

5)He lets himself go when you do -- He'll probably never tell you, but your guy doesn't adore you regardless of how you look, especially when it comes to weight gain (except pregnancy) or letting your appearance slip. If you stop hitting the gym, trade those short skirts that won his heart for frumpy sweats, or no longer bother to style your hair, he'll still love you, but odds are he'll long for the old you. He might even wonder if you've stopped caring about him if you stop caring about how you look when he's with you. Ask if he thinks you look fat, he'll lie to avoid hurting you, though he may let you know in more subtle ways. Remember, the way you looked when he fell in love with you is the way he wants you to stay forever.

6)He takes it personally when you nag -- Finding fault with people, especially our loved ones, is easy. So is getting into the habit of mercilessly criticizing your partner. While your guy may joke about your nagging to his friends, he's not finding it funny on the inside. You might think you're offering gentle reminders or that you're being justifiably critical, but the more you nag, the more he'll tune you out because he's genuinely hurt. Pointing the finger at someone else is easier than dealing with your own issues. But never being at fault can be tiresome to a husband who isn't always to blame either.

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