What's Better Than More JT On The Big Screen!?

With Justin Timberlake purposely putting his own successful music career on hold to focus on a budding movie career, it’s been quite surprising how fast that career has taken off with a major role in last year’s THE SOCIAL NETWORK to this year’s roles in the comedies as BAD TEACHER and this Friday’s FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.

Now Timberlake steps into the science-fiction genre with Andrel Niccol’s latest film IN TIME about a world where the rich can buy the ability to live longer, while the poor have to fight to survive. In the film, Timberlake is Will Salas who is falsely accused of murder and has to find a way to make it through another day to clear his name.

At the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con, Timberlake spoke to the press about the future shock he had with this new film.

“This was the, my first real I look at this movie as my first real lead in a movie,” says Timberlake. “The one I have coming out, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS, I think it’s a two-hander. This one, for me, is you wake up with my character and I’ll be the one of the last faces you see.”

Part of the thrill of the role was being an everyman “shoved into extenuating circumstances and actually doing something through this ordinary way that’s extraordinary.”

“That’s what attracted me to this character,” he says. “It doesn’t hurt when you have someone as hot as Amanda Seyfried playing opposite of youd.”

Timberlake also loved the action side of this role which he feels was more in the LETHAL WEAPON, FIRST BLOOD and DIE HARD vein.

“Those action movies were performance based and felt more real,” says Timberlake. “When it comes from the character and the situation they’re in, I feel like you’re more with them and I want to see how they’re going to handle this situation they’re in. I don’t necessarily need to feel like I’m $200 million dollars an on screen and I want to know how it relates to the character and for me the good ones actually do that.”

Writer-director Andrew Niccol (GATTACA) says all the action is organic to the story with IN TIME, which is what makes it stand out.

“First of all, it’s an action film,” says Niccol. “A lot of people will go to it on that level. They will go see car chases and see Amanda [Seyfried] waving a gun in people’s faces. [It’s also about] ideas because obviously that says something about our desire to stay young forever. [In the film] we can’t turn off the aging gene, so we go to extremes to stay young.”

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